What will you do in class today?
- Writing prompt: What do you think feminism is? Why do you think it exists? Do you think it is needed, or not?
- Share and discuss
- Viewed the powerpoint presentation and discuss the issues raised
- Discuss the syllabus and class expectatons
- Look over the blog and discuss how we will use it
- You can view the powerpoint below:
Preview of Chapter 1 ( in discussion and powerpoint)
Group work:
- Get into groups
- Each pick one of the essays in Chapter 1
- Claiming an Education
- Forty Years of Women's Studies
- The Housewife's Moment of Truth
- A Day without Feminism
- Feminist Politics
- Facebook for Women vs. Facebook Design by Feminists
- Still Needing the "F" Word
- "My Heroines"
- Read
- Discuss
- Choose a spokesperson
- Teach the class the three most important points of your reading selection
- women's studies
- androcentrism
- gender
- How did women's studies come about?
- rebalancing the curriculum
- transformation of traditional knowledge
- first wave feminism (suffrage) - definition, strengths, weaknesses, key people
- second wave feminism - definition, strengths, weaknesses, key people
- third wave feminism - definition, strengths, weaknesses, key people
- Susan B. Anthony (activist)
- turning points for women rights
- the personal is political
- patriarchy
- interdisciplinary
- goals of women's studies
- relationship between women's studies and feminism
- transnational feminism
- liberal feminism
- radical feminism
- marxist feminism
- socialist feminism
- multiracial feminism
- zines
- myths associated with feminism
- backlash
- postfeminism
- misogyny
- lesbian baiting
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